Thursday 22 August 2013

Second Half Summer Term

Science -

Collected Summer term examples of scientific investigations for portfolio.
PP to APP these with me in September for cross over.

Collected samples of Science from each year group.

Each class has completed the science tracking system for the year group. This can now be passed onto the next CTs as a starting  point.

Order completed for Year 2 and 4 - containers, measuring cylinders, thermometers, resources for life cycles.

Reflection completed on Science Action plan at this half way point.

Summer Holidays - spent organizing science subject leader folders for hand over with PP in Sep 13.

Maths -

July 4th - attended Maths L 6 course.

July - organised the maths / lit groups for year six including targets and interventions.

July - gave out continuity tests for Yr 2 - 6 to complete and reflect on our use of calculations.

July - Completed Maths end of Yr requests for moderation in Sep.

July - prepared resources and information for INSET 2/9/13.

Saturday 1 June 2013

May 2013

Used school tracking data to identify which pupils are to be invited to an extra-curricular science club with a practical focus.  Letters are ready to be sent out.

All data, folders and portfolios collated for Spring Term.

School Memo was sent out addressing next steps in our AT1 work this term.

AC attended a maths course run by Laurence Hicks. This information was used to draw up a draft maths action plan.

Monday 6 May 2013

Science Investigation Scrutiny w/b 29/4/13

AC has collected science investigation samples from each year group and is APP the AF4 section.

AC to write a memo for all staff with areas to address in their science during the second half of the term.

Monday 15th April and Monday 22nd April

Easter Hols - AC spent a day sorting science resources.  Next steps is for a science amnesty before having a re-order of stock.

Meeting with HM about next steps. AC to look into links to make with ABI for practical work in the summer.

22/4/1 3Meeting with KK to talk about next steps in terms of science club and also science week.
Science week has been set for October 2013.
AC to run four sessions of a science club for upper KS2 to link into science week after FHC.

Monday 8 April 2013

Easter Tasks

Prepared Science experiments for Science Club identifying key areas.

Re-planned Year 3 Magnets and Springs planning using new resources.

Spent time in school organizing science resource cupboards in readiness for ordering.

March 2013

Prepared report about science for my link gov. I presented this to KK. Key areas to develop were discussed and overall KS1 to KS2 progress was calculated.

Year 3 Rocks and Soils planning updated.

Memo sent around for foundation activities on INSET day.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Science Feb 2013

I completed an overview of answers about science following the PROSPECT questions. This has helped establish what works well and the areas we need to work on.

Afternoon out of class. I used this to pull together all the examples of practical science work to create a port-folio.
Each year group has completed an APP sheet for AF4 for a child working at each sub-level.

February Half Term

Assessed where I think Science is now for the Curriculum Gov meeting in March and the discussion with my subject link Governor.
Used the Subject Specific OFSTED criteria to find my evidence and come to this judgement.